Thoughts about words, capital-L Language, little-L languages, and other junk.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The 46th TOPIK

I took the 46th TOPIK today. (Remember way back when, when I took the 40th? Good times.)

I did better this time around. As I was taking the test, I'd mark down all the questions I wasn't too confident about. I estimate that I scored a 152, which would be enough to make me a level 2. (Cue the trumpets.) Last year, right after the test, I estimated that I'd scored only 100.

The listening portion was still unbearable. But I was able to get through all the reading questions with time to spare.

I even wore a watch, which I never do. And I didn't need to: I was sitting right under a big clock. And I practiced vocab for a while before the test, also. So, a year and some vocab practicing might have been enough to catapult me into level 2. We'll know for sure in a while, when the scores are announced.